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Notes on abstract submission

Character count and images

2,500 characters are permitted for the abstract text, including spaces, references and captions, and excluding author names and titles. There is no additional character buffer. The abstract review is bound to the maximum number of characters of 2,500. Neither the author's own institute/clinic nor product or brand names may be included in the title. In addition, no reference to participating institutes or clinics may be made in the abstract text, as the evaluation is anonymous.


  •  Background, Introduction up to 500 characters
  •  Methods up to 750 characters
  •  Results up to 750 characters
  •  Conclusion up to 500 characters
Tables or graphics

Tables or graphics (max. two with a storage capacity of max. 200 KB) in abstracts may be submitted in .png or .jpg format. Graphics and tables will be printed in black and white in the abstract volume. The graphics are automatically placed under the abstract text if there is no explicit reference to the graphics in the text.



The main authors will be informed about the acceptance via e-mail, in addition information about the specified form of presentation (lecture or poster) and the time of the lecture or poster presentation. Only paper posters will be accepted. Selected posters will be presented as e-posters including a short presentation. 


Form criteria

An abstract must be submitted in English. In order for an abstract to be considered, the following structure must be observed in the English version: 

1. introduction (background, relevance and research question of the work)

2. methods (patient population, method, statistical procedures)

3. results (results with data and statistics)

4. conclusion (significance of the work presented and conclusion)

Notes on submission

1. please create your private account when you register as an author. You will then receive your password by e-mail. Please note that it may also happen that the e-mail reply with your private password arrives in your spam folder. If you have not received the password by e-mail after 60 minutes, please send an e-mail to abstract@conventus.de. 

2. after receiving your password, please log in with your e-mail and password. You can now enter your abstract under Abstract submission. Please follow the steps below.
Please note that for security reasons you will be automatically logged out of the system after 1 hour. All unsaved data will then be lost. We therefore recommend that you write the abstract beforehand and copy the abstract text into the text field. 

3. please submit the abstract in full. Intermediate saving is not possible. The abstract can be edited at any time up to the submission deadline.

4. After successfully submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email. Please also check your spam folder. 

5. you can now register at any time and submit abstracts or modify existing abstracts until the deadline for abstract submission. Submitting or saving abstracts after the deadline is no longer possible! 

6. please note that the scientific committee will evaluate the abstracts and therefore the preference between oral presentation and poster chosen during submission is no guarantee.